Category Archives: silly

You Know You’re In The Suburbs When…

This actually could be anywhere, but have you ever noticed what happens to left over pizza hut buildings? They get crazy businesses in them that seem really awkward and unrelated to the cheesy Pizza Hut architecture (the stupid tinted trapezoid windows and the dumb hut roof).

Check out the Used To Be A Pizza Hut blog. It’s a really hilarious and sad trend on business in America.

The only reason this interested me is because there is one up the street from us in Eldersburg Maryland, and I’m told there have been a multitude of failing restaurants located in it. The current is a steak house. The only issue I have is this guy’s website doesn’t include it,YET…. Not until I send in a picture.

Used to be a pizza hut
This picture is old. It is now a crappy steak house called T-Bone & More. Click the image above to visit the Used To Be A Pizza Hut blog.


Eldersburg Used To Be A Pizza Hut at present.
Here is the current appearance of the Eldersburg Used To Be A Pizza Hut.

Ohhh lucky us! They’re right next door to Mr. Tire. That just makes me even more hungry.

Inside Eldersburg's used to be a pizza hut.
Notice the trapezoid windows from the inside. It seems they left the Mexican themed border across the top of the windows. Whoopsy!  Also, darn it, none of those red plastic glasses from Pizza Hut of old.

Check out the Used To Be A Pizza Hut blog.

Here’s the article that started my perusal of this topic.

snow, Snow, SNOWWWW! (and Rosemary Clooney cannot sing!)



This song is played on the Mike O’meara show when they discuss the snowy forecast.

It’s Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, and Rosemary Clooney.  Rosemary has got to be one of the most talentless singers ever.  Between her and Keeley Smith,  I don’t know who is more boisterous and flat.  The opening attempt at harmony makes Hozpitality sound good.

Play this song as you throw out your back shoveling.  Be sure to be playing this as your car skids out of control on the highway ending your meaningless life in the…

snowwwwwwww…. Snowwwwwwwwwww…. SNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW….

A Little Late But My Christmas Fave

Every year on the David Letterman show, Paul Shaffer does the official singing of “Oh Holy Night” by Cher, impression. I remember this from the 1980’s and he’s still doing it which is totally awesome!

I live for this and I recently found where they are on the youtubes. Here’s an explanation:

This one is more in the flavor that I loved. I loved the reference to Donahue. Very 80’s. I loved his viewer mail and Dave was so much better in the 80’s on NBC. I sort of think he died when he moved to CBS. (…and still the reference to the “muff”)

and then we have 2008