Category Archives: silly

South Park’s Insheeption and Reality Show Stupid “Manufactured Drama” Music

If you haven’t watched the new episode of South Park yet, you must!

Mr. Mackey is Hoarding

I thought it was funny because all summer long, while in Rehoboth, every time John, Will or Mark would watch a reality show I always bitched that the “manufactured drama” music in the shows drive me nuts.  The episode itself is a mash up of the reality show “Hoarders” (which I shamefully like) and the movie “Inception” which I haven’t seen yet.   There’s this one character that jumps into each scene and does reality show back up music while the plot is hurriedly being explained.  HE IS SO ON THE MONEY! I thought the episode was HILARIOUS, especially when a young Mr. Mackey is getting fucked by Woodsy The Owl and screams, “No woodsy, okay, don’t touch my pee pee, I’ll give a hoot, okay!”.  

Click on this to hear the South Park version of stupid reality show drama music     

You can watch the episode on South Park’s site by clicking here.


This is more or less of a follow-up to Will’s Reveen poster from Canada.  For those who don’t know, there are many references in Trailer Park Boys about Ricky being called Reveen (which the character Ricky HATES.  I think parallels the harassment that is given to Julian about looking like Patrick Swayze).

Apparently Reveen is a Canadian Hypnotist/Magician.

The black hole of all information that ignorant people believe for no reason called “wikipedia” has a nice entry for him:

This Google image search provides some really funny results:

Click here for it!


Spam on the Road: Goodbye for Now Oh Great White North.

Spam Poster

Just crossed back into the good old US of A , already I feel fatter, lazier and more self important.  Last night we spent in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Most of us spent the night at a place called MENZ BAR. ( john would love it) where we watched the local drag show. Then we followed all the queens ( one gave us a ride) to the other dance bar called Refections.

It was the same show. However, when we arrived they noticed that they didn’t have anyone to run spotlight, so I jumped up on the platform right away, switched it on and went to work. Hint, A little red gel in the spot makes any queen look 100 times better. My help with the show did not go unnoticed, as the stars of the show kept buying me drinks. Yeehaw . I had to text Chris Peterson and tell him the whole story too.

The bar closed at 345 and our bus call was 4 am, so that worked out great. We all dragged our drunk asses onto the buss for a 13 hour trip to Burlington VT.

BUT NOT BEFORE…we stopped at a little place called KING OF DONAIR, and had a slice of pizza. They didn’t sell tshirts tho. sorry Chad.

However, Trailer park fans, I did get to see Reveen in the poster above…..thought you might like that.


in the northern states all this week, back to Canada next week.

I will blog again when somethin’ happens


ANOTHER New Track from Hozpitality..

Tonite, Bob and I smashed together another masterwork of audio material.  This is the next hit on the new landmark Hozpitality album.

Broken IPhone

This one is called, “I’m Gonna Put It On My Iphone”

Click here to get your hot and juicy mp3 copy of Hozpitality-I'm Gonna Put This On My IPhone.mp3      
