All posts by cemego

Blame it on the Nyquil

Thanks to weeks of a Mid Atlantic Amazon jungle humidity level, where we still have to run our AC’s in almost October…I have gotten bronchitis. God I fucking hate bronchitis. Makes my head feel like weighs 1,000 pounds like this guy.

I bet my voice sounds like his right now too. I guess this is the new look for living next to the highway to the Danger Zone.

Caption Contest?! ANYONE!?

Why does my finger smell like poo?!!

WAAAAH!  Bawl baby Rick Santorum cant clear the horrible definition of his name on Google!  Now he’s bawling like a baby because Google only wants to honor free speech and he isn’t a fan of what people say about him!  WAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Anyone want to take this and put a speech balloon on it or stick something on the end of his finger, help yourself!  This image looks like perfect fodder for comments!

You can read about him crying like a little bitch here.

Great Moments in Parenting #56,849

Last night just for a change while Emily was doing her homework, we decided to watch a program which showcased 80’s videos. It started good…with ELO’s Mr. Blue Sky (which is one of Emily’s favorite songs-altho the vintage Jeff Lynn sent her for a loop) but then it got really good-with “Once in a Lifetime” David Byrne and his “same as it ever was” seizure dancing…but the cherry on the top was this:

She actually liked David Bowie and thought the drag reveal at the end was cool, but passed on Heart’s “These Dreams” which I was proud of her for cause that song is a stinker. After the Cyndi Lauper’s She Bop video (which she thought the tune was catchy…but did not figure out the lyrics…thats another talk) She said “Mommy, what was up with these people? Is this really how your generation’s music was? These people are freaks!” To which I just said two words-Justin Bieber. “Ahh…touche Mommy…”

I must be doing something right.

ps-Happy Birthday Will ;p