Tag Archives: sad



I found this website:

Click to open Hartz Victims.org

…AFTER I bought some flea meds for Gladys.  It horrified me.  I sent them an email today with better news.  Here’s the text:

First of all thank you for your website. Had I known about this first and not been so desperate to save a buck, I would have never fallen into the big lie that Hartz cares about pets.

To begin, Gladys (my 8 yr old rather healthy kitty) was showing signs of a flea infestation. This usually includes scabby flakey dandruff and lots of scratching with some swelling. I figured I would go to my local grocery store up the street (the Acme (which needs a website all its’ own for abusing its’ customers)) to see if they had any spot-on flea solution. All they had was the “Hartz Ultra Guard Plus” solution. I paid nearly $12 for this.

Brought it home and applied it to Gladys as instructed. Was surprised at the amount of fluid that came in one dosage. I thought, “might as well have a bucket of chemicals”. The fluid ran dawn her back and sides way past the instructed dosage area at the base of her skull. I found this to be very messy and dangerous as any mouth contact to these chemicals had to be bad for the cat.

Within an hour she eventually got around to cleaning herself (she is very clean and thorough). Every time she got a taste of the Hartz, she made a horrible face, licked at the air, and sort of slobbered a bit. I kept watching her for the next day (24 hrs had passed since application of the Hartz chemical) and eventually gave up and threw her in the shower and washed her down with shampoo (she was still scratching, and upon further scanning of her fur, had live fleas).

All the Hartz Ultra Guard Plus did was make a mess, made her fur ugly and waxy, and caused her to make a slobbery, yucky face. It didn’t fix anything. A complete waste of time. I finally just broke down and purchased the overpriced but always effective Advantage II. Much smaller dosage (no mess) and seems to always fix everything (like it has for the past 7 years).

When it comes to Hartz, spare your kitty some suffering and just save up for the good stuff. Hartz is worthless and should be fined for producing a useless and dangerous product!

Once again, thank you for your website. I will be linking to it from my blog.

Chad (and NOW a quite happy and flea-free Gladys of course)

So now you all know how we feel about Hartz pet products.

Fun Stops When Eye Is Lost

Just a friendly reminder if and when you post: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, move the spam comments to the spam folder.

In the last two days, I must have moved 200+ spam emails from the comments to the spam folder. While I do not mind the upkeep of the blog, the daily bombardment of spam comments we are getting is bording on the ridiculous…

Thanks for playing and please enjoy a lifetime supply of Rice O Roni, Turtle Wax, and the home version of our game.

Shut Up and Say Yer Sorry!

Effective Ways of Saying You’re Sorry

  1. I’m feeling defensive.  When I feel defensive, sometimes I say things I don’t mean.
  2. I’m not talking to you like you are someone I love.  Let me start over because I do love you.
  3. I know I’m sounding angry, but I’m feeling extremely threatened.  Let me take a couple breaths and try again.
  4. I know you’re feeling harassed. Please bear with me, I will do better for you.
  5. I’m afraid if I say I’m sorry, you’ll make everything my fault.
  6. I’m sorry. I think I was using a tone of voice I did not mean.
  7. I overreacted earlier.  We should try that conversation again.
  8. I guess I haven’t been listening very well.  Please give me another chance.
  9. Please forgive me?
  10. I know I’ve hurt you.  What can I do to help us get happy again?
  11. I’ve said some mean things.  Can I take them back?
  12. I’m making it sound like it was your entire fault.  I know that’s not true.
  13. I know I sound mad now.  I’m sorry and I haven’t stopped loving you.
  14. I love you, I hate fighting, and I’m sorry for my part in this one!
  15. I feel lousy about what just happened. Can we just make up?

* Thanks to John DeCore

East Passyunk Avenue in a Travel mag? Think They Forgot One Important Part!

Somehow, E. Passyunk Ave got a glowing write up in some stupid travel magazine because they are rededicating the stupid “singing” fountain (“singing” because it has speakers playing sirius radio mounted around it).  I believe the article left out one important part that I have personally experienced living in this neighborhood.  I left a comment on the article to that affect.  It reads as follows:

Just don’t let the older native Italian crack head and meat head bigots find out you are gay, black or Latino or they’ll beat the crap out of you on the street while the police look away. And beware the unemployed pharmaceutical junkies on xanax and percosets. They have no idea what they are doing and they may suddenly start screaming profanities at the sky or a telephone pole or anything that moves. There’s a TON of unemployed pill popping junkies in this neighborhood walking around like empty headed zombies.

Click here for the article link!

And here is a more appropriate picture.

Passyunk Italian Bigot
I dont know who is worse, these guys or the God Hates Fags people.


The Consumerist Does it Again!

Once again, The consumerist website has some interesting posts.

An interesting one I liked:  This one is for all the South Philly idiots that take their computers to geek squad!

And NOW, you too can have a smelly data dildo…. Now scented for his/her pleasure.  I wonder if you can get a USB data drive that has bad movies on it that smells like shit?


I Think Trey Parker and Matt Stone from South Park Lived in South Philly at One Time!

Click to listen!!!