Way to go NASA!

With all the hate going towards the government and anything it pays, yet still cashing their checks these days, the rocket scientists at NASA announce that they have “an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life ” that exists in arsenic ponds on….Mars?….Venus?…no Earth.

If life can exist in arsenic ponds here, it has to on other worlds which contain arsenic. And oxygen. And carbon. And nitrogen. And water. So, when looking for other life, we need to look for other Earths right? So how is this a breakthrough? In a time when space travel, space telescopes, space shuttles, and even NASA itself is on the chopping block, this is not the kind of PR campaign that is going to keep your doors open and keep the enlightenment of finding out about the universe we live in ALIVE from the those whom want us to live in the DARK and under the FEAR of an all seeing and all knowing celestial dictator.

The BEST View on Obama and the Economy I Have Read So Far!!

Robert Reich put it best!  It isn’t the government that is causing our economic woes and tearing it down and downsizing it is destroying any protection the middle/working class in this country have!!

Read the article!  This guy is putting it better than anyone so far!

And if you are a republican or fox news fan, don’t even bother reading it.  You wont agree with it anyways!

The big question is:

Quiz: What’s responsible for the lousy economy most Americans continue to wallow in?

A. Big government, bureaucrats, and the cultural and intellectual elites who back them.

B. Big business, Wall Street, and the powerful and privileged who represent them.

(And if you are wondering, I think it is TOTALLY answer “B”!!!  Answer “A” is totally a tea party ignorant Fox News viewer answer!)