To celebrate this nation’s terrorist way of freeing itself from the chains of a larger oppressor, the I-Sun is having a fit.
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has recorded no fewer than five CMEs blasting out of the sun’s atmosphere. No wonder its been so damn hot out lately. Good thing for us that those blasts where not aimed our way. Thank you Jesus.
Monthly Archives: July 2010
Space Weather Alert
Sunspot 1084, although a stable sunspot, has a very fabulous swirl of hot gas and magnetic energy spinning around it like hot Wookie mess in drag caught up on a turntable.
Thanks to the folks over at NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory for this fantastic UV image showing that something this flaming has to have a rainbow.
Space Weather Alert
Summertime brings longer days and in some places the sun doesn’t set. This means that aurora storms above the arctic circle are not visible in the night sky. From the looks of this picture taken at 1 AM, I’d say its a pretty fair trade.