All posts by cemego

Solar Flare Blowback

Yep.  The I-Sun’s love explosion is set to hit us today.  Here is a pretty cool animation courtesy of NASA showing the money shot:

So for those of you in the higher lattitudes, go out from the cities and see if you can see the faint glow of the I-Sun’s love.  And as always…a great time to back up your files.




Fun Stops When Eye Is Lost

Just a friendly reminder if and when you post: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, move the spam comments to the spam folder.

In the last two days, I must have moved 200+ spam emails from the comments to the spam folder. While I do not mind the upkeep of the blog, the daily bombardment of spam comments we are getting is bording on the ridiculous…

Thanks for playing and please enjoy a lifetime supply of Rice O Roni, Turtle Wax, and the home version of our game.

UPDATED WORDPRESS TODAY! Testing a New MP3 Player plug-in!

Rundgren Todd-Surf Talks     

To simply create a player for a track you upload to the media library:

  1. Decide on the mp3 you wish to upload.
  2. On the sidebar, click Media.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Upload the mp3 from your computer to the media libary.  NOTE:  The mp3 must be under 8 megs or 8,000 k.
  5. VERY IMPORTANT: After it uploads, MAKE NOTE OF FILE NAME. The uploader WILL change the filename. You want to make a note of how it changed (Ctrl-C – copy it somewhere).  Here’s an example of what it did to me:  The file on my hard drive is named as follows:TV Toons-Rockford Files.mp3The filename you must call is listed on this screen as (notice the location of the dashes):TV-Toons-Rockford-Files.mp3
  6. Create your new post to hold the player.  Using the song above I will enter the text WITHOUT QUOTES (but definitely with the brackets) into the HTML editor:

TA DAAAAH!  It’s that easy (somewhat).

TV Toons-Rockford Files     

Here’s the same thing but in a nifty “customizable” player.

The code for that looks like this:

This plug in will allow you to create customizable playlists (provided all your media is uploaded), adjust volume, and a bunch of other neato things.  I just think it’s nice to actually play something from the blog rather than have people download it to play it.

Here’s the link for the instructions

Here’s a playback link to WMOM.

The code for that looks like this:


I think this is the best idea EVER.

If you have unruly children why should the rest of the world suffer because YOU decided to have kids.  This reminds me of the dirty looks I get when families are standing in line at a restaurant at a beach resort, and I briskly walk past the line and sit at the bar and get served and fed before they even get a seat in the restaurant.

DON’T BLAME ME BECAUSE YOU CANT CONTROL YOUR SEXUAL URGES!  Nobody forced you to have a baby, so quit making it my problem by annoying me with them in public.**

**NOTE:  Some children are well behaved in public, and those children and those parents know who they are.  BUT THIS IS AN AWESOME IDEA!!!

Read all about it right HERE.