Today, FINALLY, my new MicroKorg 2 arrived. I ordered it Saturday January 4, 2025. I BARELY got it on sale before the Trump tariffs kicked in.
The reason for the “Fed Ex Sucks” is because Fed Ex is THE WORST delivery service in America. They promised it would be here Thursday and required a signature. This meant I had to cancel all my plans and remain home for when it arrived and required my signature. I stayed home like an excited child canceling all my evening plans and waited. IT NEVER CAME and was rescheduled for today (Friday). The most annoying part is, the delivery man chucked it on the sidewalk in the snow, lightly tapped on my door, ran away, and NEVER ASKED FOR A SIGNATURE. Fed Ex is a SHIT OPERATION.
This purchase is nothing more than G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), as I had an original MicroKorg for years and it was a very useful part of my music creation arsenal. I was excited about the newer edition and had to have it. It has a full color screen for editing sound.
The original MicroKorg requires the sound architect (me) to fight through a matrix of battleship game like settings with two knobs and it made visualizing the settings rather difficult. Also there are a lot more bells and whistles on this one.
I used:
- A chopped drum sample from Bill Laswell’s song Cybotron (to jam on).
- The MicroKorg 2 (obviously).
- The Korg Mini KP (red box for various audio effects).
The fancy part about this keyboard is its very easy to tie any sort of effect or action to the mod wheel. This made adding all sorts of strange effects in real time quite easy.
Here it is. As always, it’s best in headphones.