Category Archives: Great Moments in Parenting

Great Moments in Parenting #56,849

Last night just for a change while Emily was doing her homework, we decided to watch a program which showcased 80’s videos. It started good…with ELO’s Mr. Blue Sky (which is one of Emily’s favorite songs-altho the vintage Jeff Lynn sent her for a loop) but then it got really good-with “Once in a Lifetime” David Byrne and his “same as it ever was” seizure dancing…but the cherry on the top was this:

She actually liked David Bowie and thought the drag reveal at the end was cool, but passed on Heart’s “These Dreams” which I was proud of her for cause that song is a stinker. After the Cyndi Lauper’s She Bop video (which she thought the tune was catchy…but did not figure out the lyrics…thats another talk) She said “Mommy, what was up with these people? Is this really how your generation’s music was? These people are freaks!” To which I just said two words-Justin Bieber. “Ahh…touche Mommy…”

I must be doing something right.

ps-Happy Birthday Will ;p


I think this is the best idea EVER.

If you have unruly children why should the rest of the world suffer because YOU decided to have kids.  This reminds me of the dirty looks I get when families are standing in line at a restaurant at a beach resort, and I briskly walk past the line and sit at the bar and get served and fed before they even get a seat in the restaurant.

DON’T BLAME ME BECAUSE YOU CANT CONTROL YOUR SEXUAL URGES!  Nobody forced you to have a baby, so quit making it my problem by annoying me with them in public.**

**NOTE:  Some children are well behaved in public, and those children and those parents know who they are.  BUT THIS IS AN AWESOME IDEA!!!

Read all about it right HERE.

Reflections of an Enema Man

Alan Simpson, former Senator-WY, seems to know a few things about whats wrong with today’s youth, thank you notes, enemas and poop.

Thanks Mr. Simpson for clearing that up for me. Its now time for your enema…oh and is Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog’s new album out on I-Tunes yet? I have to get one for my nephew…

Great Moments in Parenting

Back when I had a life and a career, I was in charge of a temp who was a good worker. Unfortunately, this worker also liked to pad his time sheet and forge my signature on it. Naturally, when I found out, I fired him. It was a sad affair, with the guy apologizing profusely to me, saying he did it cause he needed the money.

Fast forward 13 years and it seems my initials have struck again, only this time on a 6th grade science quiz that was a “D”. Upon discovery of this, I got really angry. Even more angrier then at the temp who bilked our agency out of thousands of OT hours. Because this time, the betrayal was from someone I love.

I have always told my daughter that if she brings me the bad news first, I will not get angry. If she hides it from me and I find out, I’m gonna explode. She did not follow that rule this time, and I exploded.

My husband thought I was being “harsh” because, and I quote “She said she thought the way you wrote your initials was so cool, was only seeing if she could write the way you do herself…she meant no harm…”

Um, yeah, and it just so happens that the paper she chose to practice it on was her poorly taken quiz? I told my husband, that if that was the way it was going to go for the next 7 years, that he was in trouble. “Daddy, I only took your car and wrecked it into that other car cause I thought the way you wreck cars is SO cool…”