Health “care” in Amurka? REALLY?


Here’s a nice little review…

Jefferson is horrible. All of it. Methodist and otherwise. They are never in a hurry to do anything other than bill you. The 1800-jeffnow call center people dont even want to hear you on the phone. They are rude and interrupt you and do not let you speak. They transferred me to the ER at Jefferson Methodist Hospital (where I was seen initially). The lady in the ER (who sounded distracted and not paying attention to anything) transferred me to an isolated voicemail queue that provided no out, other than to hang up and call back. (If anyone else is in this position, the call back number is: 215-955-6840).

When you are connected (in this case to jefferson methodist) there are so many people goofing off in the background that the person on the phone needs to ask for your SAME information 5 times because they are goofing off so much, they aren’t paying attention to the people on the phone.

After they finally pay attention enough to get your information correct then they will tell you “oh you are at METHODIST… THATS why I couldn’t see your information.” My response was, “Isn’t this Jefferson hospital? How many flavors of Jefferson are there? Just because you cant read each other’s data is not my problem!”

They took a throat culture from me tuesday and now its thursday. My symptoms are much worse and judging how long it took for them to find my information, they had no intention of even following through with the lab results much less contacting me. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if they took the swabs of my throat and threw the swabs away.

THIS IS WHY PRIVATIZED MEDICINE IN AMERICA IS CRAP. All of these hospitals are more concerned about marketing and making money then they are about treating people. The whole time you are in physical agony, they are transferring you to an isolated voice mail queue or they have you on hold listening to their marketing drivel about how they are such a great provider of health care.

If you want health care, leave this god forsaken country of money grabbing opportunistic hustlers. This is what has become of America. This country and its’ health care system are a bunch of criminal selfish opportunistic hustlers.

healthcare hell

One thought on “Health “care” in Amurka? REALLY?”

  1. about 20% true- 80% not true. Canada is also not as lucky or as progressive as one may think. The explanation is too long for a post. Sorry that the free clinic does not give cadillac care 🙁 but…well…it is what it is, unfortunately. Unprofessional ism is rampant, Obama care cant help that. Just take the whole course of antibiotics and move on….

    BTW- Jeff Meth from private sources is a shitty place to work- not surprised.

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